Monday, 11 February 2008

Sniffle, Cough, Flight, PIE!

Looking back on recent holidays, this is happening to me with alarming frequency: I AM ILL. Again. This time it's a particularly evil little virus that's had me incapacitated all weekend and is still, STILL poking at my sinuses with spiky poking sticks and leaving horrid things in my lungs and banging on my head incessantly. All this despite first attempting the holistic healthy approach and then, faced with a deadline of Wednesday morning to get well again, attacking it with good ol'fashioned over the counter Drugs.

The deadline of Wednesday looms because Wednesday is the day upon which we embark on an aeroplane journey which will end on Friday morning. Leaving Heathrow at around 1400 on the 12th. Arriving in LA at 2000 on the 12th. Arriving in Auckland in the early morning of the 15th. Arriving in Brisbane some time later that day. What happened to the 14th? Lord only knows. I'm trying to get my head around this but frankly it's beyond me, so I've voted to just screw my eyes tight shut from the London tarmac until when someone says 'Welcome to Brizbin'.

The journey back is simpler. Leaving Auckland at midnight, we arrive in London at around lunchtime that day, the only problem is that 24 hours will have passed in the meantime.

In the meantime we'll have had a brilliant time I'm sure, and I'm really looking forwards to catching up with the Family Kiwi and the Auckland lot (not to mention those in Hamilton and Hawkes Bay), and everything in between. I'm sure photos will follow.

So tonight we're packing (and I'm secretly looking forwards to the flight out, so long as I'm virus free at the time), and having a couple of the best pies in the world (sorry NZ, I do mean literally the best). One more day of work... then we're off. Bloody brilliant.

Oh. One more thing. When I said 'we're packing', I actually meant 'the Kiwi's packing'. I'm on the sofa being poorly.

1 comment:

Kathryn said...

Being ill is shit, isn't it? I seem to have been ill since the second week of January and because my immune system is shot to pieces, I keep getting bugs. Last week saw a particularly nasty stomach bug that took me down to the weight I was when I was 17. I saw my ribs. It was scary.
Hope you feel better soon, and have a brilliant, amazing holiday. See you in March for lunch!