Monday, 24 March 2008

The Kiwi's Hot Buns

Apologies for the lack of bloggery lately. The past fortnight has been a bit mental to say the least, to the point where there've been several evenings when I've not even opened the laptop (unheard of in our house). So, here we are, at the end of the Easter weekend and rather than watch Hollyoaks, I'm getting back into it.

Following on from the last post, the review went well, salary bumped up a bit and more training on the way. Feedback from colleagues was excellent, some constructive feedback but on the whole a reasonably pleasant experience. So on the work front, I'm happy.

Two weeks left to go on the seemingly interminable Irish project, and although I know I've said that before, it looks like I will actually be off it on April 4th. Looks like I'll be onto a number of things following that date, one of which might be the Irish thing but I can manage a couple of days a week I reckon.

That said, they're squeezing what they can out of me whilst I'm still full time, going to Dublin tomorrow evening, coming back Wednesday night and going again next week. Bah.

hotkiwibunsIn other news, the Kiwi made hot cross buns on Friday, and they were brilliant! Here they are... very impressed with her I am.

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